The holder of a Premises Licence may require to make changes to a Licence to include additional licensable activities or increase the times that they are currently permitted to operate.
There could also be a need to remove some conditions within the operating schedule that are no longer required. This can be achieved by applying for a variation. There are two types of variations.
The Full Variation for example would be used when the PLH wishes to increase the hours permitted to sell alcohol or maybe for the removal of conditions that were placed on the licence by a Responsible Authority.
The Minor Variation is used for less contentious changes for example could be used for small alterations to the plan.

The Process
We offer a full free consultation to identify the clients’ requirements, which will include us contacting the relevant Local Authority to identify whether the application could be covered under a Minor Variation, or whether a Full Variation would be appropriate.
The Consultant will then be able to give a full comprehensive break down of the complete costs involved. Which will include Local Authorities applications fee and advertisement fees.
We will mediate with the Licensing Department and other Responsible Authorities to obtain an operating schedule that is satisfactory for both the business and the Responsible Authorities to obtain a successful application.
we will handle the submission of the application along with all public notices.
During the 28-day consultation period the Consultant will be available to mediate with the you and any Responsible Authority with regards to any representations received.
Should there be a requirement for a Licensing Hearing the consultant dealing with the application will attend the Local Authority to act on your behalf. In the unlikely event that an appeal has to be raised with the Magistrate Court the Consultant will also be available to submit the appeal application and attend court.
Once granted the consultant will contact you to fully explain any licensing conditions and any future responsibilities that may be required. The Licence will then be issued recorded delivery and electronically to you with comprehensive information informing the Premises Licence Holder of their responsibilities in the future.
We will take the process from start to finish, keeping you updated at all times. We will make the process easy to understand, quick and worry free.